Wednesday 26 June 2013

Nervous System made easy

Today we will talk about the nervous system. Remember that nervous system is a very important and essential part of every human body.
So nervous system and endocrine system control the functions of the body.
  • The nervous system is divided into central and peripheral nervous system.
  • The nervous system contains specialized cells, that function to recieve sensory stimuli and transmit them to effector organs, whether musclular or glandular.
  • The nervous system of higher species have the ability to store sensory information recieved during past experiences.

Central and Peripheral Nervous System:

  • Central Nervous System (CNS) = Brain + Spinal cord.
  • Peripheral NervousSystem (PNS) = Cranial and Spinal nerves and their associated ganglia.
  • Both brain and spinal cord are covered by meninges and are suspended in the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF).


  •  composed of neurons supported by specialized tissue called neuroglia.
  • Long processes of a nerve cell are axons or nerve fibers.
  • Interior of the CNS has: a) Grey Matter b) White Matter.
a) Gray Matter:
Nerve cells embedded in neuroglia.
b) White Matter: 
Nerve fibers embedded in neuroglia.
White colour due to presence of lipid material in the myelin sheaths of many of the nerve fibers.


  • Cranial and spinal nerves, consisting of bundles nerve fibers or axons, conduct information to and from the CNS.
  • The nerve although covered by fibrous sheaths are still unprotected and easily damaged during trauma.


  • Part of nervous system the innervates the involuntary structures such as heart, smoot muscle and glands within the body.
  • distributed through out the CNS and PNS.
  • Two parts of ANS:
  1. Symapthetic: prepares the body for emergenncy.
  2. Parasympathetic: conserving and restoring energy.
Note: both sympathetic and parasympathetic have afferent and efferent nerve fibers.

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